Anuruddika Kumari
Social ScienceUniversity of Colombo
Anuruddika Kumari is from Wellawaya, a Plan Program area of the Monaragala district. She entered the University of Colombo in 2006 to follow a degree in Social Science, and graduated in 2010.
Anuruddika received financial support from the Hein Kolk scholarship program for the 4 years she was in university. She was selected by the South East Program unit of Plan Sri Lanka. After graduation, she decided to enter the teaching profession and followed a training course for teaching practice.
Update: Currently she works in a government school which is located near her village. Anuruddika preferred to work in this school as she wanted to give back to the school where she studied. She also wanted to be a positive influence to the girls and boys of her district.