Dilrukshi Thilakarathne
Economics, Business Studies and AccountancyUniversity of Colombo
Dilrukshi Thilakarathne is from Dombagahawela in the Monaragala district. She is 21 years old and has 3 younger sisters who are all in school. Dilrukshi’s village is situated in a remote rural area which has limited resources and facilities. She tries to find the time to help and encourage her three sisters to study hard and get good grades so they too can go to university. Through her own experience she knows that they need to obtain excellent grades, due to intense competition for university places in Sri Lanka.
She studied at Mahanama College in Monaragala and did her Advanced Level examinations in 2010 and received 2 grade ‘A’s and a ‘B’.
She is currently studying for a Management degree. After she graduates, she hopes to find employment in the private sector.
Update September 2017: Complete her Business Administration Study, is waiting now for a government job.
Update 2016: Dilrukshi M.S.D. Thilakarathne, she is studying now 3rd year Economics, Business Studies and Accountancy at the University of Colombo. She finished her 1st semester with good results, Business Communication 111 B; Macroeconomics C; Human Resource Management C+; Marketing Management B; Information Resource Management B.
Update 2016: Dilrukshi M.S.D. Thilakarathne, she is studying now 3rd year Economics, Business Studies and Accountancy at the University of Colombo. She finished her 1st semester with good results, Business Communication 111 B; Macroeconomics C; Human Resource Management C+; Marketing Management B; Information Resource Management B.