Kumudini Bandara
LawUniversity of Colombo
Kumudini Bandara is 21 years old and is from Udukumbura in the district of Monaragala. She did her secondary education at Mahanama College in Monaragala. Kumudini’s parents are farmers. She has 3 younger sisters who are currently in school. One of her sisters was a Plan sponsored child.
Kumudini was very involved in her school and was in the debating team. She is extremely bright and did very well in her examinations and gained ‘A’ grades in all her subjects and was the best student in the entire district.
With her excellent grades she was able to gain entrance to the University of Colombo to study law which is a highly competitive course. Kumudini hopes to become a lawyer after she graduates.
Update September 2017:
Complete her Law study, Practice as a Lawyer in Courts by the Colombo Court.
Update 2016: Kumudini Bandara, she is studying Law at the University of Colombo, she has achieved excellent results in her 3rd study year. Her subjects are Delict Law; Administrative Law; Evidence Law; Interpretation of status Doc.; Public & International Law; Criminal Law.
Update 2016: Kumudini Bandara, she is studying Law at the University of Colombo, she has achieved excellent results in her 3rd study year. Her subjects are Delict Law; Administrative Law; Evidence Law; Interpretation of status Doc.; Public & International Law; Criminal Law.