Upeksha Herath
Social ScienceJayewardenepura University
Upeksha Herath is from Doluwa in the District of Kandy. She is 22 years old and has two sisters and a brother who are all in school.
She went to Doluwa School and did her Advanced Level examination in 2010. She achieved two ‘A’ grades and a ‘B’.
She is currently enrolled in Jayewardenepura University and is studying Social Science. After she graduates, her ambition is to become a teacher in a government school.
Update September 2017:
Completed Bachelor of Arts Degree, she is waiting for a Government job.
Update 2016: Upeksha H.M.D Herath, she is studying Social Science, at the University of Sri Jayawardenapura. She finished her 1st semester of her 2nd study year with good results. Her subjects with results are Advanced Cartography B; Career Dev. Courses A-; Population Geography A, Metrology & Climate Dynamics A; Sri Lankan Society A.
Update 2016: Upeksha H.M.D Herath, she is studying Social Science, at the University of Sri Jayawardenapura. She finished her 1st semester of her 2nd study year with good results. Her subjects with results are Advanced Cartography B; Career Dev. Courses A-; Population Geography A, Metrology & Climate Dynamics A; Sri Lankan Society A.